Rock Español A Través De Los Ojos De Un Ruso
вторник, 26 сентября 2023 г.
Pandan-Lagl “Teatro Del Absurdo” (p)2023 Repetidor
Pandan-Lagl are José Carlos Peña , Cristina Arroyo (both of El Relevo Alemán ) and multiple drum machines. The new effort wear...
вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г.
Tuya “Proxy” (p)2023 El Rayo Verde
I've got so much respect bordered on adoration to David T. Ginzo ’s “A War Is Coming” which is placed high in my shortlist o...
четверг, 14 сентября 2023 г.
Lepora "Zulotik" (p)2023 Bonberenea Ekintzak
Days ago the Basque DIY post-hardcore mainstays Lisabö announced their sixth longplay set for release for 12/01/2023. Those news...
вторник, 12 сентября 2023 г.
¡Vamos Hostias! - 2
The modern day festivals are more about socializing and less about music. So you may make a plan but you have to take it easy when your plan...
¡Vamos Hostias! - 1
August 9, in the afternoon. The Fiat 500X built-in navigator guides us further along the A-1 / E-5 interstate but we turn to Milagros via ex...
¡Vamos Hostias! - 0
This report was originally supposed to be called "La Última Aventura" ("The Last Adventure"), or "La Gi...
понедельник, 11 сентября 2023 г.
GAF Y La Estrella De La Muerte "Pyramids" (p)2023 Foehn/ Keroxen/ Discrepant
They did it again. "The Canarian combo just released an album that bears little resemblance to their previous releases...
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