Viva Belgrado "Ulises" (p)2016 Aloud Music
Being the perfect mixture of high voltage screamo/metalcore and ethereal post rock, the sophomore LP of the Cordoba-born combo wears no signs of so called 'second album syndrome' at all. The sound of "Ulises" is gorgeous, I believe it sounds ten times richer its recording costs. Definitely one of the best releases of the year, it's stronger than "Flores, Carne" in every aspect. So if you like the first Viva Belgrado album - as well as records of This Will Destroy You and Bring Me The Horizon - you will surely embrace this one too.
Moreover, the next February Viva Belgrado will come to Russia to present this album in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Nice news for me.
Moreover, the next February Viva Belgrado will come to Russia to present this album in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Nice news for me.
The best tracks: Pleiades/Pasaportes, Aeropuertos, Cassiopeia/Contraluces