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воскресенье, 22 декабря 2019 г.

The Best Of 2019. TOP50. 11-20

20. Aitor Etxebarria «Nihilism Part 1»
(p)El Segell
The music of irresistible beauty.

19. Selvatica «Macumba»
(p)Discos de Kirlian

18. Crononauta «Dibujando Al Azar»
The power pop duo whose name is absolutely new to me. The album was produced by Paco Roman so the sound of guitars is quite intricate.

17. Niña Coyote Eta Chico Tornado «Aitzstar»
Ursula Strong & Koldo Soret go a bit more experimental on their fourth longplay.

16. Almacenes Merida «Problemas»
The loud guitar rock album born in the very south of the state.

15. Retirada! «Son»
(p)El Segell
The second in a row perfect release of the dreamy gazy duo from Catalonia.

14. Las Ruinas «Alucinaje»
(p)El Genio Equivocado
The prolific Catalan trio announced their separation earlier this year, and it's so sad cos their last album is coincidentally their best.

13. Agoraphobia «Unaligned»
Though “Unaligned” mostly repeats the tricks of “Incoming Noise” it doesn’t make it any worse. The formula still works.

12. Exxasens «Revolution»
The best post rock album I listened to in a couple of years.

11. Leon Impala «El Plan»
Fortunately "El Plan" has nothing in common with those from down under whose name first come to mind when you see the word 'impala'.

суббота, 3 августа 2019 г.

Sonorama Ribera 2019. 15 'Small Font Size' Bands

I have to admit that I’m not familiar with the most part of the ‘minuscule font size’ bands from the Sonorama 2019 line up. So I’ve tried to listen to them in brief to frame the opinions. Anyway, it didn’t make me to come to any certain conclusion apart from to act by circumstances on location cos I liked those like El Verbo Odiado, Meridian, The Rebels, St Woods or Division Minuscula – but hardly to the point there I could build some plans upon them and, moreover, surely recommend them to other people. Now I’d like to declare the following: I will certainly try to see the aforementioned bands cos chances are they are cool. 
Anyway, the main ‘small font sized bands’ list is as follows (in alphabetical order).

Agoraphobia – they’re young’ they’re loud, they’re upbeat. They’re the Galician chicks that take the L7’s legacy and bring it into the 21st century better than Donita Sparks & Co do themselves.

Alexanderplatz – Spain is brimming with the high quality bands that crossbreed indie pop with indietronica. This one is the project of the former Klaus & Kinski Alejandro Martinez Moya

Apartamentos Acapulco – the potential successors of Los Planetas not only by location but also by contents.

Ballena – I think their album “Navarone” was nice. So I eager to see how it may sound live.

Basanta – the Spanish take on ‘occvlt rock’. A nice try, as far as I can see.

Boogarins – for me, this Brazilian band is the most anticipated one (along with Javiera Mena) from ‘the other side of the pond’.

The Crab Apples – the great female band from Barcelona. I narrowly missed them last year in Primavera Sound as I observed Xavier Calvet’s performance inside the MACBA building right when they played exactly outside.

Crudo Pimento – a band impossible to categorize. They exist in the universe of their own and create the music of their own. 

Echo – a couple of years ago we caught them playing in acoustic format at the MeetinArts tent – and it was kinda gutwrenching cos the voice of Carmen Alvaredo was so powerful. It’s interesting what they sound like now.

Igloo – the friends, nuff said. 

Invisible Harvey – one of the most unexpected artists of this edition of Sonorama. The Catalan singer/songwriter (a resident of El Genio Equivocado) represents the kind of artists that are rare birds in the large events.

Mostaza Galvez – genre-wise I dunno really what they are playing but they are definitely not bland. In fact, they are the exact opposite to ‘bland’.

Nina Coyote eta Chico Tornado – the personified hurricane, that's what they are. The psychedelic/ garage/ sludge duo from Basque Country. 

Presumido – arguably one of the hottest synth pop bands of the moment. 

Rayo – one more female band playin’ loud music in this list. Seems to be great.

воскресенье, 3 декабря 2017 г.

Best of 2017. Albums 31-40

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If you do yourself a favor and listen to all these albums mentioned below the only question to get stuck in your head would be "Who the fuck are in the Top30?'
40. Eladio y Los Seres Queridos "Historias De Caza" (p)Seres Queridos
"Cantares", the gallego-speaking set of cover versions that Eladio Santos and his team put out an year ago, was rather the step aside than the natural successor of his previous (brilliant) effort "Orden Invisible". Now we've got this natural successor, and it's brilliant as well with its beautiful songs and mellow chamber/folk arrangements.

39. Villanueva "Zoo Para Dos" (p)Sony
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38. Futuro Terror "Precipicio" (p)BCore Disc
After the conventionally sounding "Su Nombre Real Es Otro" Futuro Terror return to the more complicated structures of their eponimous debut. I consider it the right step undoubtedly as, you know, who needs one more album of conventional punk rock when you can provide them with the punk rock with a twist instead.

37. Xavier Calvet "Firebird" (p)BCore Disc
More of Joey Cape, or more of Greg Graffin? That was my only question when I learned about the Bullitt's frontman Xavier Calvet was going to release a solo effort. The truth is, none of them - it's like the third vertex of triangle. The songs are mostly acoustic and mostly upbeat, and regarding Xavier's songwriting abilities apparent via Bullitt's discs "Firebird" is absolutely no-lose choise.

36. Blusa "K" (p)Nooirax/ 
"Toca Breakbeat, Perro!", the previous album of sevillanos Blusa, was a cinematic post rock masterpiece. Now a trio, Blusa absorbs programming and electronics (the entities completly absent on "TBP!") and cooks the record that is more intricate and more psychedlic than the predecessor. The tracks have no names, only numbers placed in no consecutive order. It's up to listener to capture the messages, meanings and images this music produces in his mind without the prerequisites given.

35. Agoraphobia "Incoming Noise" (p)Dotbeat
'I want it to sound like a bulldozer, like Armageddon', Veruca Salt's Nina Gordon talked to producer Bob Rock during the recording sessions for "Eight Arms To Hold You" trying to square down her intentions on the guitar sound - this trivia came first to my mind when I pushed the play button. On "Incoming Noise" the guitars are realy sounding like bulldozers and/or Armageddon so the album fits perfectly for the role of the aforementioned "Eight Arms To Hold You" and L7's "Hungry For Stink" stepchild.

34. Ultim Cavall "Records Del Kyoto" (p)Discos de Kirlian/ Emma's House
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33. Joe La Reina "Esas Nuevas Modas" (p)Subterfuge
It's a way more complicated record than "Bailamos Por Miedo" (quite complicated itself), and it needs more time to grow on you. As I had little time since its release date to fall for it, it climbed only to the 33nd place now. Being released, say, in August it could surely climb much higher than that.

32. Vetusta Morla "Mismo Sitio, Distinto Lugar" (p)Pequeno Salto Mortal
I can't make my wrapped-up opinion on "MSDL". It somehow falls to pieces. Every given song is great - and some songs are really THAT great, you know. This is the step forward for the band for sure (some new tricks, some new directions) but as a whole it doesn't sound quite cohesive for my ear.

31. Decurs "Incendio" (p)Subpost/ Krimskramz/ Dead Stallion/ Ojala Este Mi Bisi
The level of the Catalan hardcore/post hardcore scene is unbelievable. Decurs initially appeared as absolute nonames for me but it didn't surprise me at all that the album's great cos you may choose any album amongst the pool of Catalan post hardcore albums - and it would be equally great.

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