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пятница, 28 февраля 2025 г.

Pumuky "No Sueltes Lo Efímero"(p)2025 Keroxen

"Our songs are mostly about love, but almost none of them are about romantic love," the closing statement of Pumuky’s latest interview to La Provincia explains a lot about Jaír Ramírez’s creative approach.
Love as loss, love as obsession, love as a heavy burden… That’s where he used to tread.
The average listener's apathy is killing me. "Castillo Interior", the double EP released five years ago, should have attracted to Pumuky at least some portions of Jamie Stewart’s (Xiu Xiu) and Jim Tamborello’s (Dntel) fanbases. But it didn’t. I hope now the things are gonna change.
Pumuky has once again become a band—Mariano (bass) and Albert (drums) have joined the lineup. How long were Jaír and Noé on their own—seven years? Eight? They needed to spend that time adjusting to changed circumstances: starting families, the birth of daughters... The things like that. The tracks for "Castillo Interior" were recorded by Jaír at night on a laptop while Nayra and Gara were asleep. The new album was recorded at La Mina, Raúl Pérez’s Granada-based recording studio responsible for my last year's Top3 albums.  
There’s a tangible hope that "No Sueltes Lo Efímero" will hit the mark. All three pilot singles received a unanimous reaction, often dubbed "universal acclaim". Journalists, fans, and casual listeners alike are thrilled. "Lo Recuerdo Todo" (the second single) feels like the heaviest song in the band’s back catalogue. Jaír once shared the story of "La Singularidad"—the third single—on Twitter: the song traces back to "Erizar La Alma" from Pumuky’s 2003 debut demo. 259 months in the making.  
Every Pumuky album is like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle: no two are alike, yet each undeniably belongs to the same picture. The same multiverse. "No Sueltes Lo Efímero" seamlessly connects with "Plus Ultra" (2011) and "Justicia Poética" (2015): shoegaze and slowcore, a bradycardic rhythm, and a velour-lined wall of sound. Ethereal electronics and guitars—so loud and dense, yet creating a sense of fragility, a half-reality of what’s happening.
Plus Jaír’s voice—a voice "from the other side," a voice "from another planet." Utterly detached from both earth and sky.  
The album has no weak spots. They could have randomly picked three other songs as singles and still gotten the same universal acclaim. "Terriblemente Bello", "Estudio Sobre Mi Rabia" and "Hablando Con Los Animales" - this selection could have been as strong as any other.
What haven’t I mentioned yet? Myself. For me, this is deeply personal story. My favorite and historically significant band (alongside Yo, Estratosférico). My friends. I’ve hugged their wives, I’ve given their daughters the toy rabbits. I’m as biased as it gets, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be that biased when my favorite band's new album comes out.
That’s how it goes.

среда, 16 декабря 2020 г.

The Best Of 2020. EP's and mini-albums

Top10 EP's and mini-albums (in alphabetical order)

Bullitt "Drawer Sessions" (p)BCore Disc 

This is the proof of the simple fact: Bullitt don't make weak songs at all. Even their outtakes are great. I really can't understand how and why they could put such delicious track as "Opening Harbours" aside.


Calibra "Okavango" (p)Polar 

The first song contains a guitar line that sounds like a Two Door Cinema Club guitar line. Actually, I hate the sound of TDCC's guitars. In the light of this fact to get into this list looks like even more significant achievement than it really is. What's the answer? The songs. At the end of the day, the answer is always the songs.


Detergente Liquido "Tu Tampoco Eres Como Antes" (p)self-released 

Read this


Future Ark "John" (p)Leonora 

Starting with ethereal IDM at some point the music ascends to Alcest-like post-black only to return to fragile electronica in the end. Finland-born Tero Heikkinen (also of Kindata) has been residing in Sevilla for years where he managed to position himself successfully as an active contributor to the local indie music community. This is his second solo EP under Future Ark moniker.


Honolulu "Gold" (p)Foehn 

Honolulu is a perfect example of today's world. The siblings of French origin, Lea & Quentin Mevel, reside in Barcelona and release their songs with lyrics in English and French via Catalan indie label Foehn Records.


Madee "Under The Sun" (p)BCore Disc 

The Catalan cult favourites return to activity with this 4-song teaser for the forthcoming LP (to be released in the beginning of 2021).


Margarita Quebrada "Luces" (p)Jabalina Musica 

The minimalistic Neue Deutche Wellesque synth-driven gothic rock meets The Pains Of Being Pure At Hearts'y naïve nugaze on this mini album created by Valencia-based trio under the wing of renowned indie label Jabalina Musica.


Pumuky "Castillo Interior" (p)Keroxen 

Read this


Scoff "City Lights" (p)self-released 

This EP is such a cool cocktail of Hole, Sonic Youth and obscure Canadian band Sully (highly recommended) prepared by the band from tiny Andalucian town Utrera (for me personally this town is best remebered for the perfect solomillo con salsa pimienta in La Brasa restaurant).


Verkeren "ellllla" (p)Right Here Right Now 

The Barcelona-based five-piece returns after 4 years of hiatus with a pack of beautiful electro rock songs in the vein of The Killers or Dorian.


вторник, 10 ноября 2020 г.

Pumuky "Castillo Interior" EP

Pumuky "Castillo Interior" (p)2020 Keroxen

It's never easy in the world of Pumuky. While having been stripped down to the core duo of brothers Jair and Noe Ramirez looked like streamlining of the internal communication, the creative process only got more complicated with both brothers having their own families now - in addition to them residing on the different islands. The necessity of finding the balance between making art and household duties significantly slowed the band's activities down. Now the new Pumuky releases are as frequent as your 29th of February birthday parties. 

Anyway, whatever they lose in output they compensate it in quality of songwriting. Recorded and mixed completely in Jair's own apartment the new EP still delivers every emotion Pumuky have always been honored for throughout their career. I still haven't listened to it via my home hi-fi system so as of now I can't check it out is there anything on the record that depicts 'bedroom origin' of it. But I don't feel like I have to. Everything I need to know about "Castillo Interior" has nothing to do with hi-end nuancing. So it might need a cheaper headset only to figure out what this record is. A piece of music as an antithesis to socializing. A soundrack of falling into the rabbit hole of your own mind. A sonic equivalent to hypnagogia. 


среда, 16 января 2019 г.

Monkey Week 2018 - 10th Anniversary. 24.11.2018

23.11.2018 >>>

The next morning I woke up at 9 am having three hours of sleep only. Surprisingly, I felt myself alive enough to come out immediately as I had an urge to visit the record shops of Sevilla. As I travelled without any luggage except for a backpack it could be a major problem for me if I had purchased some vinyls but it appeared that the record shops I visited were specializing on second hand records having little of the most recent releases. The only records I'd like to purchase were La Estrella De David's "Consagracion" and Basanta's "Colorama" but finally I decided to avoid the possible transportation issues.
Despite my nondirectional territorial fluctuations I was just in time at Ron Contrabando stage (Alameda de Hercules square) to catch the very beginning of the Radio3 La Batalla de las Bandas hosted by one of the most famous Radio3 anchors Angel Carmona. The time limits were the same as for yesterday's mini showcases (also MC'ed by Angel): 6 minutes for the whole round of 'come out - plug in - play a single song - walk away'. The event started with the performance of the new local heroes Derby Motoreta's Burrito Cachimba that obviously represented the [arguably] the main contemporary trend of rock music: the 70's revival. The band that exploited the completely different direction - my new friends San Jeronimo - replaced the Sevillian six-piece onstage. Then I managed to see two more bands: the Foehn Records' residents Alien Tango, and the cock-rock combo Los Jaguares De La Bahia. Then I escaped the event to come to the opposite side of the Alameda de Hercules for Yawners. This was one of my best decisions because this metropolitan girl/boy quasi-punk duo was enormously great. I can't explain what was that decisive element of their show that made me surrender and convert myself into a devoted fan. But this was such the pleasure to see this band in action.
According to the schedule, the OffMonkey session was the next event I should attend right after Yawners. This one was organized by my friends from WeAreWolves Records to showcase the bands of the roster: the dj sessions by Pumuky and I Am Dive and two full-fledged performances by Kindata and San Jeronimo. This event should be started at 2 pm inside the Hops & Dreams gastro bar but when I came to the place only three persons were there. I was quite embarassed as I tried to consult a barman but he didn't understand me. So a guy who revealed to be Berni from Kindata came to me trying to resolve the problem. We quickly got in contact, and then I introduced myself to Tero, the second half of Kindata. This band was my biggest discovery of the year so I was completely happy to see them live and to talk to them within a month from the moment I had learned of their mere existence.
Little by little the venue got full of people. I got in touch with a man named Fran who revealed to be a photographer and a friend of Jose A. Perez. We sat together and discussed our further plans and past experiences of Monkey Week 2018. Moreover, Berni introduced me to the guys of Palo Alto who were nice and welcoming as well. In the meantime the bands started playing. San Jeronimo were the first to play, and then Kindata stepped in. These bands were the pure delight - both musically and personally.
The actuation of Da Souza at the nearby Mangaroca stage drove me away from Hops & Dreams. This Mallorcan band released the new album "Futbol D'Avantguarda" (p)Famelic that appeared to be kind of indie sensation, and I liked it as many others did so it was no way to avoid visiting their performance. It was a bit spoiled by the rain. The band played inside the tent but I beheld it getting soaked with the raindrops. Anyway it was quite low price for making it possible. Good music always defeats the rain.
By the way, at the entrance of Santa Clara I met Joan and Natalia of Saim. I approached them and expressed my respect, we talked a bit and they gave me a t-shirt as a gift. Moltes gracies!  
Then I made a short run to Jagermeister. Puma Pumku already started playing there. Like Yawners before the Galician neo-psych combo demonstrated the ability to win over the unprepared observer from the very first glance. I wasn’t totally unprepared as I used to listen to their first album for quite a while – but I never caught them before and had no idea how could they sound live. They quickly made me realize that coming up there I did just fine. This band is great, don’t miss the opportunity to see them.
Uniforms are only going to be great. The nugaze starlets just released their debut ("Polara" (p)Oso Polita) and managed to gather a considerable crowd inside Fun Club. Thus I was forced to stand behind the pillar and could see a little. Anyway, their performance wasn't perfect but their potential was obvious.
The populous and stylistically omnivore rock collective Los Jaguares De La Bahia spearheaded by the one of the most renowned indie rock producers of Spain performed at Ron Contrabando. I saw Paco Loco onstage once when he performed with Australian Blonde, but as a frontman he was even more... ummm, impressive. Shamelessly unleashed, he was like an uncontrolled beast there upon the stage. Despite his anti-star appearance, I think, he made every photographer there loaded with the whole lot of ‘rock star pose and gestures’ photos.
The Donostarrian indie rockers Pet Fennec sounded good performing in the open air (I witnessed it at Sonorama) but now within the limited space of Fun Club they sounded really massive. I placed myself in front of the bass monitor and every beat and every low note made my insides tremble. As I spent most of their time limit at Los Jaguares I caught only three songs. It was not enough - but what could I do.
Regarding the all-female garage band Melenas from Pamplona I'd like to say the following: I can’t call myself a fan of garage rock, but the girls do their thing with palpable honesty. It shouldn’t be omitted despite the fact is the listener a fan of the genre or not.
I liked the second album of the Galician art punks Travesti Afgano so they were in my own schedule from that very first moment I saw the #mokeyweek10 line up. They performed at gay bar Itaca - the southernmost location of the festival. Live the band positioned themselves as stylistically and behaviorally unpredictable act that could easily interact with public whilst changing the genres three times within a song. One of the irrefutable wins of the festival that, unfortunately, was sparsely attended.
Then I headed to La Calle rock club for the Canarias Crea/ Keroxen showcase. When I passed along Teatro Alameda I witnessed a queue that splashed out from the entrance and flew around the corner.
I walked along the queue guessing who the hell might gather such the crowd. In the middle of the queue I met Fran who explained me that all these people were there for Pony Bravo. This band had created a considerable cult following during the years of activity so the audience welcomed their first performance in years with huge enthusiasm.
Nevertheless, I came further to the club. It could be nice to see Pony Bravo but the prospect of losing some amount of time in passing through this queue was up to kill the possible perks of seeing one of the scene-defining bands in action.
Saletile, the experimental rock duo from Tenerife, opened the Canary Islands night at La Calle. The schedule was cruel for them as their slot coincided with Pony Bravo’s. On the other hand, Saletile’s music is not for everybody and the focus groups of the bands were hardly coincident. For me, I enjoyed their set of long instrumental passages and digital noise drones a lot.
I’m not going to spread much words about those two bands that followed Saletile onstage. What could I say… Pumuky and GAF Y La Estrella De La Muerte, my favorite band and the best live act of the scene respectively, that’s exactly how I'd like to label them. I feel some kind of personal connections to both of the bands. I can’t judge them with due objectivity so I should pull them off the scale. For me it’s like, you know, there are Messi and Ronaldo – and there are the real people.
Unfortunately, the actuation of GAF was my final concert of the festival. The bell rang for me. I wasn’t happy to say goodbyes to all the people that accompanied me through the Monkey Week 2018 but the Ryanair’s flight schedule forced me to do so.
Then I walked outside and then lost the next 23 hours of my life in taxi cabs, aircrafts, stopovers and trains.

четверг, 10 января 2019 г.

Monkey Week 2018 - 10th Anniversary. 23.11.2018

It was 4 am (Moscow time) when I stepped out of my appartment, locked the door and then lost the next 20 hours of my life in buses, taxi cabs, trains, aircrafts and stopovers. I never used to visit Seville before so when I finally came to the city and left my backpack in a booked room, I went out immediately to look at the night in the old town. If my Cologne - Seville flight wasn’t 1 hour delayed I could make it to get my pulsera before the box office booth at the Alameda de Hercules square got closed at 10 pm. Anyway, when I came to the place it was all over, only the happy people teamed up in small companies were wandering off the square. It was mildly raining in Seville that night but it didn’t prevent me from walking the narrow streets of the old town with the smile on my face.
The only poor thing was that due to my late arrival I missed the performance of the gaditanos The Magic Mor whom I had wanted to see alot.

In contrary, the next afternoon I had the brief lapse of tristeza while walking alone along the streets north of Alameda De Hercules. I felt so detached from everything what was going on as I looked at the people around who were smiling and talking to each other and no one was alone there – no one except me. Just a lone man deep in his forties trying to run away from his problems, I was on the verge of crying when I came to the Jagermeister stage arranged upon the former bumper car minidrome. Baiuca was set to perform there at 4 pm. Just imagine the Banco De Gaia’ “Maya” album with all the Tibetan ethno motives being replaced with the Galician ethno motives to get an impression of what Baiuca’s music sounded like. 
The Galician ethno-trance techno band was not the first band I saw that day. The DITTO stage mini-showcases were my first 'check' in the 'to-do list'. I had no idea what it would be like but it appeared to be the sequence of the performances when a band gets 5-6 minutes to come out, plug in the gear, play a song and get offstage. I was a bit late and caught only the last few seconds of Palo Alto’s performance. Then a sole guy with an acoustic guitar and a loop recorder came out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t recognize his name so he was marked simply as ‘a looper guy from Madrid’ in my travel notes. Amongst the others there were: the young band from Granada Vita Insomne, the Bjork-alike chick Mounqup, the minimalist electropop duo Fru Katinka, the slightly dreampop’y post-punk trio from Colombia Las Yumbeñas and death/core duo from Mexico Los Viejos. 14 bands in total.
That time I met no persons I wanted to meet there so I went out to get myself familiar with the surroundings. That’s exactly when I was stricken by the grief.
Upon returning to the main festival locations I saw Baiuca and then rushed to the Santa Clara buildings to see Saim. I like post-hardcore in common, and I like Saim’s post-hardcore in particular. Their album “Accidents” performed pretty well in my annual 2017 ‘best of’ list almost making it to Top 25. So their set was one of the main attractions for me. I came in and within two minutes they started playing. This made me completely satisfied as they were just as great as I might thought of them. The classic post-hardcore vocals, the perfectly synchronized rhythm section…
Back-to-back with Saim’s performance the Pumuky’s first actuation was scheduled. I saw them live only once before. My bad. I desperately tried to multiply that miserable number since, but never coincided with their rare performances.  That only show was the one of the Sonorama 2013 where they performed full band (“Plus Ultra” version of the band members plus La Caterva GrabacionesJose A. Lopez on drums). This time it was only Jair and Noe onstage thus the sound have undergone some inevitable changes as compared to what I witnessed before. Now Jair mostly played synths and effects picking up his guitar only occasionally while Noe performed 99.9% of guitar work. Moreover, if previously Jair’s voice might be secluded within the three guitar squall and groundshaking drums now it dominated the square gaining some demonic overtones along the way.
Right before Pumuky’s actuation I met Jose and Esteban from I Am Dive & WeAreWolves Records along with Maria and Nacho from San Jeronimo – the band that was set to perform later that evening at Mangaroca’s. Moreover, I briefly talked to Mladen and Alejandro from GAF. The things finally started to get in the right way, and from that moment on I never felt lonely or detached these days.
There were only two thirds of GAF y la Estrella de la Muerte onstage as Carolina (vocals, drums) and Cesar (guitar) were to arrive only the next morning. “You see the man at drums – he’s our bass player. And that guy with bass – he’s our keyboards player”, Mladen told to audience when they concluded. Nevertheless, it all sounded great. The only poor thing was the reaction of public. Frankly, there was no reaction. The ones who came to their show – most of them – spent more time chatting around than listening to the music.
A couple of years I occasionally run into San Jeronimo’s first LP “Salinas, 20:15“ and fell in love with it immediately. This year they have released the new longplay “El Sur” which marked their shift to more synth-laden sound (the first one was rather acoustic sadcore) like if it was born in Bristol, GB. The dreamy synth passages and the ethereal voice of Maria were backed with the trembling guitar lines operated by Nacho. Their performance was arranged with the dusk and shadows – the best possible way to listen to the music of the Asturias duo. 
Then I rushed to my room to change the clothes and have some meal before walking off for the night section of the fest. 
Cor Blanc were the first ones in my own schedule for that night. The tiny electro pop duo from Barcelona didn’t manage to gather much people inside the bar named Studio 74, but their performance was all nice, warm and funny. To entertain whose who attended their performance they incorporated some famous pop melodies into the canvas of their own compositions which added some more positive impression.
Leaving the Studio 74 in the good mood, I was put before a question how to spend the spare time before the later section of the schedule that should take place in the northernmost rock clubs. The most apparent answer was to attend the nearby Teatro Alameda whoever might play there. So I entered the building to find myself in the middle of the storm. Biznaga were playing there, and they did it ferociously. Really, they were playing so fast and hitting so hard that at times I couldn’t see the palms of the guitarists’ hands as they were motion-blurred but saw well instead how the set of drums is literally jumping upon the plinth.
My next POI were Exnovios. This neo-psych band from Navarra is co-fronted by the former Muy Fellini (whom I’m the massive fan of) frontman Juan Maravi. I managed to talk briefly to him before the concert expressing my respect to his past and present doings. The actuation itself was great. Live the band sounded ten times better than being recorded in studio. The synchronization between both singers/guitarists was perfect, and some of their melodies I was humming for a month.
Terry Vs Tori. Usually the dreampop bands are lacking expression motionlessly staring down to the ground while playing as they follow the template given by the parent genre’s direct meaning – but this particular band apparently had the showman. Their bass player took on dancing duties relentlessly, gaining much attention and approval from public. Regarding the music, for me it sounded like the voice of the female singer wasn’t set up correctly but this was only minor complaint as everything else was fine.
Up to that point I passed over 32 kms in a day so my feet were crying out for help and understanding. My body was on the verge of breaking up. But I had to stay there to see Bifannah. Their album “Maresia” performed great in the 2017’s Top50 list so I was eager to catch them live. And I wasn’t disappointed, to speak in brief. The Galician four-piece made an atmospheric show with the right mood, perfect groove and cool vibe with their psychedelic synth-driven pop/rock strongly alluded to the Doors. It was well worth staying there for them.
I returned to the apartments completely worn out but overwhelmingly happy. I hardly could go to sleep as I was overloaded with emotions. It was 6 a.m. when I finally made myself into the bed.

суббота, 1 декабря 2018 г.

Monkey Week 2018 - 10th Anniversary. The Summary

Just some info in brief.
My average “go/not go” decision-making term for travels is 6 months.
The decision-making term for this particular trip was less than 5 days. Even while sitting in Cologne airport stopover I was under threath of coming back.
The whole 4 days of the travel. 
The whole 2 days of the Monkey Week 2018 festival.
This was an adventure ad-lib, the most unprepared trip in my life.
My first visit to Seville, my first visit to Andalusia.
70 km passed on feet.
40 bands seen onstage. 
The new encounters. The re-encounters with the old pals. 
The new bands to follow.
Estrella Galicia under the rain. Lots of Estrella Galicia under the rain.
These were the happiest of days.
I felt like every person I run into was a musician.
I was happy to see Saim, Da Souza, Travesti Afgano, Bifannah and Exnovios live. I expected them to be great onstage – and they were truly amazing.
I was happy to get soaked into the magic sounds of Dreyma, Terry vs Tori, Kindata and Saletile.
I was happy to discover and immediately fall for Yawners and Puma Pumku (regarding the latter – I liked their “Is It In You?” LP alot but they spent plenty of time quite quiet since, and I had no idea on what they were up to now).
San Jeronimo, my greatest live discovery of the fest both musically and personally.
And, last but not least. Pumuky and GAF Y La Estrella De La Muerte. "One of my favourite bands and one the best live acts of the scene" - I can apply this phrase to both of them. The only reason for you to avoid visiting their shows in your town is death. No kidding, I saw the persons amongst the audience who cried after their sets. 
And I was crying after their sets too.

During these two over-saturated days I’ve seen live the following.

Full Concerts:
Mini Showcases (Friday 23, DITTO)
Saim (Friday 23, Mangaroca)
Pumuky (Friday 23, DITTO)
GAF (Friday 23, DITTO)
San Jeronimo (Friday 23, Mangaroca)
Cor Blanc (Friday 23, Studio 74)
Exnovios (Friday 23, Sala X)
Yawners (Saturday 24, Jagermeister)
San Jeronimo (Saturday 24, Hops & Dreams – OffMonkey)
Kindata (Saturday 24, Hops & Dreams – OffMonkey)
Melenas (Saturday 24, Vinilo Rock Club)
Travesti Afgano (Saturday 24, Itaca)
Saletile (Saturday 24, Sala La Calle – Fiesta Keroxen)
Pumuky (Saturday 24, Sala La Calle – Fiesta Keroxen)
GAF Y La Estrella De La Muerte (Saturday 24, Sala La Calle – Fiesta Keroxen)

Partially Seen:
Baiuca (Friday 23, Jagermeister)
Dreyma (Friday 23, DITTO)
Biznaga (Friday 23, Teatro Alameda)
Terry vs Tori (Friday 23, Sala Even)
Bifannah (Friday 23, Sala Even)
Da Souza (Saturday 24, DITTO)
Puma Pumku (Saturday 24, Jagermeister)
Uniforms (Saturday 24, Fun Club)
Los Jaguares De La Bahia (Saturday 24, Ron Contrabando)

Seen Only Episodically:
El Imperio Del Perro (Friday 23, Ron Contrabando)
Las Yumbenas (Saturday 23, Mangaroca)
Baywaves (Friday 23, Sala X)
RADIO3 La Guerra De Las Bandas (Saturday 24, Ron Contrabando)
Los Estanques (Saturday 24, Ron Contrabando)
Dani Llamas (Saturday 24, Ron Contrabando)
Pet Fennec (Saturday 24, Fun Club)

Planned But Not Seen:
Alien Tango, Futuro Terror, Vulk, Joan Colomo, Aliment

понедельник, 28 декабря 2015 г.

The Best Of 2015. The One And Only #1

See also:

With this last post of the year I'm going to tell you what album is on the top of the list. I could make some kind of secret, or a prank ("Hey! It's PXXR GVNG!!!") out of it, but it's apparent that the best album in Spanish rock music this year is Pumuky's "Justicia Poetica". According to this blog, it was on the very top since the day it was presented to public, and nothing in this world could put it down.

Pumuky "Justicia Poetica" (p)2015 Jabalina Musica Listen/Buy

четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Pumuky "Justicia Poetica"

Pumuky "Justicia Poetica" (c)2015 Jabalina Musica
1) Imagine yourself floating into space, all alone, for years, with nobody to talk to. With all the aims lost. If your flight ever had any destination you effectively forgot about it. All you can listen to through the static are the sudden excerpts of old broken broadcasts and strange signals emitted God knows how many years ago from hell knows where. These sounds are your only fellow travellers. Imagine these sounds are the visions.

2) Imagine yourself standing somewhere out where in the night, staring at the fireworks with your ears shut so you can't hear these explosions that induce the perfect trembling pictures in the sky. The pictures are appearing and falling apart without a sound. Imagine these visions are the sounds.

3) Pumuky got brand new album, the fourth one. It took 4 years since "Plus Ultra" was put out to record its successor. 4 long years, it's enough time to apply some changes - especially for such the ever-evolving entity what Pumuky surely is. You probably know that the only constant member of the band to support the helmsman Jair Ramirez is his brother Noe. The rest of the cast differs from album to album - though now it seems like it's the season of stability in the band's life, as the core duo of brothers Ramirez have found the right balance in the company of Adan Zeus (El Pilar Azul) and Daniel Benavides (Luz Futuro). So "Justicia Poetica" was recorded by the same team as was the EP "Pumuky Y El Eterno Femenino" two years ago. Also it is the same team that I catched live on 2013's Sonorama, and the same team that travelled across Mexico last year's spring.

4) The album's first track "Taniyama-Shimura" is the perfect bridge from "Plus Ultra" with its guitars that grow from pulsating arpeggios to shoegaze-infused crescendo, solid drums and echoed vocals. The album's last track "Crash" could be the perfect bridge from "Plus Ultra" as well. But in between these songs we have something that is almost completely different. Starting from the second track "El Senor de las Bestias" the distinct dreampop sound surrenders to the fragile vibrant kraut rock where nothing is stable and nothing is what it seems and where the only constant thing is the deep, the warm, the haunted, the detached voice of Jair guiding you through the labyrinths of his own. Just try to mix the visions (that actually are the sounds) from the p.1 with the sounds (which are visions in fact) from the p.2 and probably you'll get the idea of what "Justicia Poetica" is.

The best tracks: Taniyama-Shimura, El Senor de las Bestias, Teoria de Cuerdas, Suprahombre, Crash

вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.

A Quick Guide To... Jabalina Musica

Jabalina Musica is a cult indie label from Madrid. The label's roster mostly concentrates on the various sub-genres of indie pop. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Jabalina. The date was celebrated by the series of local concerts. For last five years Jabalina and its head Tanis Abellan has produced two absolutely astonishing singles collections: 'Jabalina Love Songs' and 'Dedicatessen'. These collections are published so deliciously that mere appearance of the discs could make your heart go wild. So let's start from the second one.

Graphics of 'Dedicatessen' are designed by Jesus Galvan who is the brother of Antonio Galvan, the man behind the Parade project. 

The series include the following items (in alphabetical order) all printed on colour vinyl:

  1. ALDO LINARES y las mujeres
  2. AMA ante el virus de la rabia
  3. APENINO cerca de las estrellas
  4. DOBLE PLETINA contra los amores perdidos
  5. J'AIME en la noche eterna 
  6. KLAUS&KINSKI a cuatro reinas moras
  7. LLUM y la revuelta emocional 
  8. PARADE en el estudio Ghibli
  9. PUMUKY y el eterno femenino
  10. SOLLETICO y el hombre de la casa
  11. SOUVENIR y los finales sin fin
  12. WILD HONEY Dear Cindy

Most of the bands - well-known (Klaus&Kinski, Parade, Doble Pletina) or not (Solletico, Ama) - deliver different kinds of lo-fi/synth-pop/folk pop/indie pop music with the fragile male/female vocals and general sense of the light melancholy. Even my all-time favorites Pumuky sound here like they do not want to tear the common canvas. I'm not gonna tell you that all these bands and musicians are the same or anything like that - no, absolutely. They are all different and all have their own features, but they have something in common here within this series - let it be baritone-voiced singer/songwriter Llum or quirky pop experimentators Doble Pletina, or Klaus&Kinsky who abandoned their twee in favor of loose acoustic piano-based songs.

For me, being familiar with the most of the presented musicians, nevertheless I've made one good discovery here - J'aime. His americana-tinged music is the perfect soundtrack for the rainy evenings spent home alone with a good bottle of wine.

понедельник, 19 мая 2014 г.

En Directo. GAF Y La Estrella De La Muerte in SKIF XVIII, Saint Petersburg, 17/5/2014 - Part One

When I learned about GAF would come to Russia to participate this year's SKIF festival in Saint Petersburg it was really nice shock cos GAF is not only the Spanish band, but it is also the band from Canary Islands, the corner of the world that I truly adore.
Also, in the middle of the spring Andrey, the friend of mine, has opened the doors of his own bar+LP shop+concertplace named 'culture bar VInyllaSky'. So he ivited me to visit his place which is situated in Saint Petersburg as well. I decided to reach both aims in one time, so my story should be divided into two (or even three) sub-plots almost fully separated.

The plan was as follows:
1. Early in the morning of 17/05 me and my mujer Tanya should leave Moscow by plane to land in Saint Petersburg airport at 11 am. 
2. Right after landing we should go to Andrey's bar and spend some time there with the master.
3. At 8 pm we should get to Vassilievski Island to find where SKIF XVIII would be taking place and see the show of GAF.
4. To return to the bar.
5. To drink with Andrey.
6. To fly back to Moscow early (really early) Sunday morning.

Additionally, not to take this life too easily, in the very beginning of the last week I fell ill with the flu but all the tickets were already bought and all the pacts were confirmed so I had no right to step back.

The first sub-story is about Andrey's bar.
I felt like I should present something to Andrey. And the truth is that I had something to pesent him. Back in 2013 I had purchased two EPs by Pumuky issued within the singles collection of Jabalina Musica records: 'Jabalina Love Songs' and 'Dedicatessen'. But later I consequently bought the full editions of both of these collections which led to the fact that I became the owner of two copies of the same Pumuky EPs. 
The EPs were not ever used and look fine...

From the street
Yes, these two EPs
Tanya points it out
In the smoking room (just posing)

...much as the place where they now live. VinyllaSky is such the nice place for every music lover who's on  the music of intelligent kind.
Later that night when all the stuff walked home and Andrey closed the door, we opened a bottle of scotch and started listening to these EPs. The reaction was really positive so Pumuky became one step closer to the show in Russia, I suppose ))

понедельник, 20 января 2014 г.

A Brief Overview Of The Canarian Rock, Vol. 1

What makes me wonder about the Canarian music scene the most - is that dichotomy between this impression of the enclave of Heaven on Earth which Canary Islands appear in the eyes of the outside beholder, and the gloomy music this place generates. Really, instead of being as merry and sunny as the beaches of Las Americas or Maspalomas the music is mostly dark and inward-looking and unconventionally structured and convoluted as the bound limbs in the forests of Anaga.

San Borondon
This project of another local band Malcortado participant Jorge Miranda plays folksy and at times quirky yet tuneful lo-fi indie-rock. Their music is simple enough to easily attract a listener while having its own roughnesses and angles left unpolished.

Cabeza Borradora
One of the most longstanding musical projects of the Canary Islands, Cabeza Borradora, named after the David Lynch's enigmatic "Eraserhead" movie, appeared from the hot and heavily inclined streets of La Orotava, Tenerife, in 1993 to spread around the sound of Madchester wearing the influences of Primal Scream, Happy Mondays, New Order and Jesus Jones on their sleeves. The band went on to hiatus in 2000 and stayed silent for almost 13 years when returning in the very end of 2012 with the updated line-up, new concerts schedule and new release named "The Jack Nance EP" planned for 2014.

The idyosynchratic duo focuses on Casiotone-based cartoon-voiced lo-fi techno pop. The band left several years in hiatus but recently returned to making music and released their reedited 2002 album through the local El Hombre Bala imprint in 2013.

This band from Gran Canaria island pays homage to 90's american indie movement playing loud and fresh indie rock in the vein of Superchunk and others of that generation proving that this type of music is not dated. The band only is to record a full lenght.

GAF & la Estrella De La Muerte
Led by Mladen Kurajica, the loose psychedelic and mostly instrumental combo emerged from Santa Cruz de Tenerife. GAF is another Canarian band well-known on the mainland, having 4 LPs in the background - all issued via Barcelona-based Foehn Records - and gigs in such countries as Japan and Mexico. The most recent album, "Sunriser" (p)2013 has received favourable reviews all over Spain. The centerpiece of this record is the gorgeous 20-something minutes long track "Yannakis" which amalgamated almost all basic elements of GAF's music: dreamy pipes and other winds, trippy translucent guitar drones, athmospheric ambient sounds, quasi-ritual drums - all this comes through lightweight first half of the track twisting and coiling up and down to become the armor-crashing wall of sound in second half. And it makes me recalling little-known space rock bands like Poem Rocket or SIANspheric4.

El Pilar Azul
A solo project of Pumuky's current line-up guitarist Adan Zeus. "El Constante Sin Nombre", the debut longplay of the band, reached #14 in my 'Top30 of 2013' list, but now I think that it should have a bit higher ranking - as long as I'm listening to it on an everyday basis. The slow evolving post-rock-oriented music of rare beauty.

Formerly raised from Ycod de los Vinos, Tenerife, this musical vehicle of Jair Ramirez quickly became the most notable band ever emerged from Canarias. Having 'revolving door' cast of musicians in the band (the only constant member of Pumuky besides Jair is his brother Noe) now Pumukies include Adan Zeus from El Pilar AzulDani Benavides (one-time member of El Pilar Azul, who also has the project of his own, LuzFuturo), Acaymo D and Jose A. Lopez from Malcortado.
Working for several initial years with no visible results, Jair had crystallized his music vision which resulted in building up the sound of his own. The first longplay "De Viaje Al Pais De Las Tormentas"  ("From The Travel To The Country Of Thunders") (p) 2006 was somewhat of a halfway to the perfection. The album had minor impact on the music scene but established Pumuky as 'persons of further interest' as well as allowed the band to make new connections within the scene.
The things roughly changed in a good way in 2009 when the second full lenght named "El Bosque En Llamas" ("The Forest In Flames") entered almost all the year-end national music polls, and along with the mainland longstays Vetusta Morla who released their debut LP "Un Dia En El Mundo" that year Pumuky were marked as the biggest national indie-rock sensations.
The next full lenght effort "Plus Ultra" deserved 2 years of working, and when being released it marked the slight change of the musical direction with the band now mostly focusing on dreampop sound.
Two years later the band released an EP "Pumuky Y El Eterno Femenino" for their label Jabalina Musica 'Dedicatessen' series. So now Pumuky is the band of absolutely unique sound - unique not only for Spain but for the worldwide music scene as well. The nation's property, not less.

The ambient noise post-rock/krautrock duo from the town of Los Realejos, Tenerife. They have several EPs ("Trilogia Acustica", "Trilogia Noise", "SALE TILE") in back catalogue, all of them are up for free download from their BC page. The interstellar travels-inspired music of Saletile sounds interesting and innovative and seems to be free from the shortcomings which are common for the music of such type - it doesn't put you into that totally drugged-out state of mind.

A sampler of the actual sounds of Canarian scene you can obtain now from the BC page of local label El Hombre Bala Records.

среда, 8 января 2014 г.

Los recuerdos de Sonorama 2013

Just spent some time editing the [mostly poor quality] photos I've made with my mobile phone till Sonorama fest in August.

Sin Rumbo:



Leon Benavente:




Xoel Lopez & his band:

The New Raemon & Maga:

Mi Pequena Radio:

